Dr. rer. nat. M.Sc. Mei-Ling Huang

European Patent and Trademark Attorney

Dr. Mei-Ling Huang majored in both Physics and Earth Science at the National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan. She obtained her master degree in Astrophysics at National Central University, Taiwan. Since 2011, She was awarded fellowship from International Max Planck Research School to support her further study in Germany. She continued scientific research at Max-Planck Institute for Astrophysics, and received her doctorate from the Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich in the field of galaxy formation and evolution. After her stay in Germany, she worked with the Department of Physics & Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University, USA, as postdocoral research fellow. Dr. Mei-Ling Huang has published numerous publications in prestigious scientific journals in the field of Astrophysics.

Dr. Mei-Ling Huang speaks Chinese, Taiwanese, English and German.
